Business Improvement District
The Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) is an area within the City of Riverside, roughly a mile square, boundaried by Vine Street/91 Freeway and Brockton Avenue,14th Street and Third Street. Businesses within the BID pay a levy equal to 100 percent of their business tax to fund these activities and programs.
BID Boundaries Map (.pdf)
The BID has six main areas of focus:
- Parking;
- Beautification;
- Public events;
- Music in public places;
- Promotion of business activities; and
- Security.
The BID first became effective in January 1986 following a unanimous resolution by the City Council at a public hearing. It was formed to create a source of funding whereby businesses within the BID would receive numerous benefits to enhance the level of business and increase economic activity in the Downtown area. When the BID was passed, the City Council appointed RDP to “administer funds raised to operate programs and activities” according to the purpose outlined in the Ordinance.
RDP makes formal written and oral presentations to the City Council each quarter throughout the year that include all activities and a complete financial reporting. Presentations are made in a public forum and all reports are public record.
RDP is an important player in the majority of activities within the BID, including initiation of events, projects and programs. RDP works diligently to provide a clean, safe and entertaining Downtown community, and is successful in attracting visitors and citizens who frequent Downtown. BID businesses appreciate the distinct advantages to being part of the Downtown BID because of the many enhancement programs in place and the ongoing efforts to increase Downtown business activity.
Other neighborhoods within the city of Riverside have formed their own districts. The Arlington Business Partnership has served the Arlington Village neighborhood since 2003. Just recently a BID was formed in the Auto Center. With dwindling governmental resources, BIDs are an ideal tool for businesses to recap the collective benefits and pay for activities which would not be possible by the individual business owner.