Riverside Downtown Partnership (RDP) has several committees that assist in its role of advocacy and managing Downtown Riverside. The Executive Committee is comprised of the RDP officers and five elected Directors.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Meets the 1st Tuesday at Noon each month except when it falls before the Board meeting):
Chair: Executive Board Chair – Shelby Worthington-Loomis
The function of this committee is to act as the management and operational liaison between the Board and the Executive Director and staff. This committee makes recommendations to the Board on various policy and organizational issues. The Executive committee is a policy committee of the Board, and may make certain decisions and take certain actions on behalf of the Board as required.
LAND USE COMMITTEE (Meets the 3rd Thursday at Noon each month):
Chair: Brian Pearcy
The function of this committee is to discuss issues related to development and land uses Downtown and in the BID area. This committee looks at some of the same issues that the other committees consider. The Land Use committee is a policy committee of the Board, and as such, will recommend certain policies and actions to the Board related to development and land use. These policies and actions are used to create guidelines that the Board will use to make effective decisions.
SECURITY COMMITTEE (Meets the 1st Wednesday at Noon each month) :
Chair: Bryan Crawford, Riverside Police Department – North Area Commander
The function of this committee is to provide advice and guidance to staff on issues and functions related to downtown safety and security. This committee also considers the various safety programs of the organization, including the Downtown Ambassador Program. The Safety and Security committee is a service committee of the Board.