About RDP
Riverside Downtown Partnership
Riverside Downtown Partnership (RDP) is a not-for-profit organization that partners with the City of Riverside, other not-for-profit organizations, downtown retailers, downtown businesses and downtown stakeholders whose joint mission is to promote and enhance the quality of life in downtown Riverside.
RDP manages the Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) and advocates for Downtown.
RDP was first formed in 1981 by downtown business owners who recognized that downtown Riverside needed an organization to oversee managing and promoting the downtown area with focused attention on economic development, business development, event coordination, and arts/cultural enhancement.
The Riverside Downtown Partnership is managed by a staff of 2 and led by a Board of Directors of up to 33 members representing a cross-section of downtown stakeholders. Voting members of RDP elect four Officers, five additional Executive members, and up to 24 Directors for a two-year term. These Directors represent the City, the County, property owners, educational institutions, health care, hospitality industry and the retail sector, as well as downtown residents and stakeholders. The Ward One and Ward Two Councilmembers and a representative of the Arlington Business Partnership are Ex-Officio members of the Board.
The Board has three committees that meet on a monthly basis: Executive, Land Use, and Security. Representatives of the Downtown Entertainment District meet quarterly. and Security – Entertainment District. The Executive committee provides operational guidance to staff and handles personnel-related issues. The Land Use and the Security committees review issues and provide policy and/or other recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Certain committees are created as required and for time frames dependent on the particular project, such as the Finance committees. Ad-hoc committees may be created to deal with particular issues and initiatives as directed by the Board. Board members are encouraged to participate on committees and work on issues and projects important to downtown Riverside Members of the downtown community also participate on RDP’s Committees to provide a broader perspective of downtown issues.