Michael Gerber Seminar

April 17, 2015 11:52 pm
On April 30th, a hurricane is going to land in Riverside, California!
His name is Michael E. Gerber.
His books on entrepreneurship, small business, economic development, management, and leadership have touched the lives of millions of readers throughout the world.
But that’s not what makes Michael Gerber the ‘hurricane’ he is, it’s the fact that he has single-handedly transformed the state of small business worldwide.
As a gift to the people of Riverside, we are inviting you and your people to take advantage of this absolutely FREE opportunity to spend One Entire Day with Michael E. Gerber to learn directly from him how to rethink the world: to transform the way you do business; to seize new economic opportunities you’re more than likely unaware of; to design, build, launch and grow the business you’ve got, or the business you want to create.
To learn more and to register for this FREE day with Michael, click here:
Wherever you and your people are, looking for inspiration or just the most entertaining day of their lives, they will find it with Michael E. Gerber on “Day One” in Riverside on April 30th.
This event is being hosted by Solar Max Technology, Inc located at 3080 12th Street, Riverside, CA 92507.
Come dream with Michael E. Gerber!
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