Destination STYLE Spring Fashion Show

April 1, 2014 1:06 am
Downtown Riverside offers a unique experience with its historic architecture, arts and cultural offerings, and wide range of one-of-a-kind restaurants and retailers. Its unique shops and salons offer an incredible range of fashions and accessories and downtown Riverside has become a destination fashion district for the Inland Empire.
The Downtown Riverside Fashion District has distinct shopping areas including the shops of Old Main Street and the downtown core. The shops of Old Main Street are located in the area of the Historic Mission Inn Hotel and Spa. Downtown core shops are those located south of Mission Inn Avenue.
Focusing on fashion is a great opportunity to build the brand of downtown Riverside as a destination fashion district and leverage our unique shops and fashion offerings. Presenting seasonal fashion shows showcases our retailers and brings visitors to downtown.
So when you’re looking for that unique must-have outfit or accessory, downtown Riverside and our fashion district has to be your destination of choice.
Destination STYLE Spring Fashion Show: Thursday, May 1st on Main Street between University and Mission Inn Ave from 6:00-7:30 pm.
For more information, please visit:
Instagram: @FashionDistrictDTRiverside
Twitter: @RivFashionDist
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