Business Spotlight: Old Glory General Store

January 7, 2014 11:22 pm
January 2014 Business Spotlight: Old Glory General Store
Nestled in the heart of downtown Riverside, Old Glory General Store houses a wide variety of antiques, vintage clothing, unique furniture and decorative pieces. “This building is perfect for the most interesting store in Riverside since it is a historic building built in the 1930’s,” says owner Sherry Young. Sherry has been the owner of the Old Glory General Store for the last 8 years and specializes in estate sales and liquidation.
One of her main focuses has been providing a unique shopping experience for her customers. A first time customer can expect friendly and personal assistance as well as a museum like shopping adventure. “Walking through the various themed rooms will set customers in an era of different times and simple life,” Sherry says. She rents space to over 15 dealers that find timeless treasure for their themed rooms. Nostalgic memories are found around every corner at Old Glory General Store.
Old Glory General Store lies with in downtown Riverside destination fashion district. Sherry has provided vintage clothing ranging from the late 1800’s to the 1980’s to be showcased in the Destination STYLE fashion shows. Sherry specializes in outfitting parties and weddings with vintage and themed props.
Old Glory General Store has open houses three times a year including the Spring, Fall and Christmas to showcase home and garden decorations, and antique furniture. Old Glory General Store also supports various philanthropic causes such as Loma Linda’s Children’s Hospital, Alzheimer’s Walk, and Loma Linda Cancer Support. “We are always open to house events for causes,” Sherry says.
Old Glory General Store
4344 Market Street
Riverside, CA 92501
(951) 682-4860
Hours of Operation: 10:00am-5:30pm
Categorised in: Uncategorized
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