RDP and CBU Partner on New Intern Program for Downtown Businesses

January 2, 2014 9:46 pm
Riverside Downtown Partnership and California Baptist University’s Division of Online and Professional Studies Public Relations and Communications Program to Partner on New Intern Program for Downtown Businesses
DATE: December 12, 2013
Riverside Downtown Partnership (RDP) in conjunction with California Baptist University’s Division of Online and Professional Studies (CBU OPS) Public Relations and Communications Program will partner to provide interns for downtown businesses to assist with social media marketing, marketing campaigns, communications, public relations, journalism and event planning.
RDP hosted a free social media-marketing seminar on September 17th to outline effective social media outlets downtown businesses could utilize to engage their customers and increase their reach. The seminar was presented by Dr. Mary Ann Pearson and Dr. Patricia Hernandez who are the program leads for CBU OPS Public Relations and Communications Programs. As a result of that seminar, a number of downtown businesses expressed their interest in having interns to assist with marketing efforts. The Intern Program will provide students that need hands-on experience in their field of study to businesses.
RDP recognizes the value of addressing the needs of downtown businesses by assisting with marketing efforts as well as providing outlets where CBU students are able to gain real life job experience and build their professional portfolios. “Local businesses will benefit greatly from the talents and skills of CBU interns, many of whom are already familiar with Riverside’s strengths and are well-equipped to increase awareness of downtown businesses and events,” says Charity Schiller, Chair-RDP Board of Directors.
Dr. Hernandez is enthusiastic about this partnership with CBU students and the Riverside Downtown Partnership; “Internships are a fantastic opportunity for both students and employers. Students can apply their creative and innovative communication skills to assist employers, while employers are afforded the opportunity to challenge and hone in on the students skillsets to help their businesses stay on the forefront and ahead of the curve with social media.”
“This is public relations at its best,” Dr. Pearson said, “Connecting media tech savvy students with local businesses creates a win-win situation.”
There will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, January 7th, 2014 from 8:30 am to 9:30 am at the Center for Arts and Philanthropy located on the corner of Main St. and 6th. The informational meeting is open to only downtown businesses that are interested in having an intern assist with marketing campaigns, social media, event planning, etc. Those who are interested in the Intern Program are to contact Robbie Silver, RDP’s Communications and Events Liaison at 951-341-6550 or rdprobbie@sbcglobal.net.
About California Baptist University’s Division of Online and Professional Studies (CBU OPS)
California Baptist University (CBU) is one of the top private Christian colleges and universities in Southern California. CBU Online and Professional Studies (OPS) offers accelerated bachelor’s degree completion programs and master’s programs through online, in-person or hybrid courses.
CBU Online and Professional Studies was established to respond to the very different needs of the “new normal” generation of students – the nontraditional student that balances professional and family responsibilities while advancing their education. Online and Hybrid programs are tailored to provide 24/7 flexibility expected for 21st century learning.
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