Home is Where the Story Begins… – Artist Showcase Exhibit

July 31, 2013 7:08 pm
“Home is Where the Story Begins…” – Artist Showcase Exhibit
August 5 – 22, 2013
The Riverside ReStore is celebrating 15 years building partnerships by hosting the “Home is where our story begins…” Artist Showcase in honor of Habitat for Humanity Riverside’s 25th Anniversary. We envision an event that spotlights our strong community partnerships and communicates our gratitude for the support we have received over the years. It is a celebration of these unions; a grand recognition of efforts to eliminate substandard housing and make adequate shelter a matter of conscience.
Monday to Wednesday 11 to 3 pm, Thursday 5 to 9 pm, Friday, 2 to 6 pm, Saturday 10 to 2 pm
Downtown Public Library
3581 Mission Inn Avenue
Riverside, CA 92501
(951) 826-5201
The Riverside ReStore’s celebration will partner the sponsor and the artist to create unique works of art that symbolize our vision:
- 40 sponsors representing the importance of building financial partnerships to maintain, grow and create new home programs.
- 40 artists representing the importance of building collaborative partnerships with a diverse group of volunteers, professionals and agencies.
- 40 Unique Pieces of Art
- 25 Imagination Dollhouse Homes, one for each year that Habitat for Humanity Riverside has worked to build communities in partnership with those who give of their time, talent and treasure.
- 15 wood plaques, one for each year that the Riverside ReStore has served Habitat Riverside’s mission as a sustainable fundraising resource.
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