My Play Club

February 26, 2013 10:06 pm
The Arc of Riverside County hosts My Play Club®, a monthly play date program for children with and without disabilities, designed to promote inclusion and break down barriers. On the third Saturday of each month, The Arc brings families together at Riverside’s Fairmount Park Universally Accessible Playground to participate in a fun-filled event bringing friendship and awareness to hundreds of children in the community.
“This is the kind of event that is helping Riverside become a city of diversity and inclusion,” said Mike Gardner, City Councilman for Ward 1. “When children with and without disabilities play together they’re learning that they have much more in common than they have differences. It is wonderful to see so many families benefit from this great facility.”
My Play Club was originated by Shane’s Inspiration, a non-profit organization devoted to creating inclusive playgrounds and programs that unite children with all abilities. My Play Club is co-sponsored by Riverside’s Parks and Recreation Department and the Inland Empire Health Plan. It is also endorsed by the Commission on Disabilities for the city of Riverside.
Our next play date will be held on March 9th at Fairmount Park from 10:30am-1pm. Hope to see you there!
951-688-5141 ext. 225
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