RDP’s 26th Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony

January 24, 2013 7:22 pm
RDP Celebrates Downtown Achievements
The Riverside Downtown Partnership (RDP) will be hosting its 26th Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony on Thursday, February 21st at the Riverside Auditorium and Events Center. This annual event recognizes outstanding individuals and organizations for their excellence in leadership and service to the downtown community.
The annual Roy Hord ‘Volunteer of the Year’ Award will be presented to Katherine Wright in recognition of her many contributions to the Riverside community including advancement of education and service on many boards including the Mission Inn Foundation and the Riverside Dickens Festival. This award was established in 2003 in honor of the late Roy Hord who was a RDP Board member and an outstanding volunteer on behalf of the Riverside community. The Hord family selects the recipient each year from nominations received.
RDP will also be honoring the following with its “Downtown Awards of Distinction”:
- Arts and Culture Award – The Dickens Festival organization for their ongoing contributions to the literary arts including the annual Dickens Festival and other cultural activities.
- Business Activity Award – Curves on Main for business promotion and community involvement.
- Downtown Event Award – Riverside Lunar Fest for their annual free event celebrating Asian culture bringing thousands to downtown from outside Riverside.
- Downtown Improvement Award – Mark Rubin for revitalizing a derelict corner with the Class A office building, Citrus Tower.
- Safety and Security Award – Riverside Police Department, North Area: Lieutenant Hardin, Detective Smith, and Officers Sturdavant, Dillon, Hammer, Tavaglione, Thomas and Robinson for their beat knowledge and quick action that led to the identification and arrest of three violent robbery suspects.
- Chair’s Award – Chuck Beaty for his dedicated service to the downtown community, to RDP, and to various organizations.
The RDP Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony begins with a no-host reception at 5:30 pm, followed by a dinner buffet, the awards ceremony, and then recognition of outgoing and incoming RDP Board members. Tickets are $60 per person or $550 for a table of ten. To make a reservation, call the RDP office at 951-781-7335.
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