14th Street Bridge / 91 Freeway Construction Update

September 20, 2012 4:16 pm
14th Street Bridge / 91 Freeway Construction Update
Riverside officials are encouraging the public to plan ahead for major traffic modifications at the 14th Street Bridge in downtown. The changes are necessary for Caltrans to complete improvements along the 91 freeway.
Improvements along the 91 corridor through Riverside will improve mobility into downtown and other areas. This Caltrans project will build one High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane, also called a carpool lane, in each direction of State Route 91 (SR-91) from Adams Street to the 60/91/215 interchange in the City of Riverside. The improvements to the freeway through this widening project will help alleviate congestion.
This September, construction will begin on the 14th Street Bridge over the SR 91. Lanes will be reduced to one in each direction. Message signs will be posted several days prior to major changes. As a major access point to downtown, the Riverside Traffic Division is offering the following tips to help ease the transition:
- Consider an alternate way into downtown (Downtown Detour Map)
- Hold meetings with your employees and vendors to notify of the coming changes
- Visit the Caltrans project website http://www.dot.ca.gov/dist8/projects/riverside/sr91hov/index.htm
- Carpool with coworkers to reduce vehicles in the downtown area
- If possible, modify work schedules — as little as a 15 – 60 minute change can reduce peak traffic times
- Start taking your new route now – don’t wait until the first day the lanes are closed.
The widening project will reconstruct the bridge and widen the on and off-ramps at 14th Street, relocate the 9th Street west bound on ramp to 10th Street, widen the on and off ramps at Central, Arlington and Madison and replace the Cridge and Ivy Street bridges. The overall result will be a state-of-the-art transportation facility that serves motorists by adding capacity while easing access to and from the community which better serves businesses, employers and local residents. The project anticipates creating an estimated 1,500 jobs during its construction.
Caltrans estimates the cost of the project to be $232 million. It is funded by Measure A, Riverside County’s half-cent sales tax for transportation; federal funds; and $157 million in Corridor Mobility Improvement Account (CMIA) funds, the state Proposition lB funding.
For more information on this project – www.91HOVProject.com
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