RDP Monthly Luncheon Meeting

September 19, 2012 4:55 pm
RDP’s luncheon meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 25th at Noon at the Riverside Auditorium and Events Center. Our featured speaker will be Dan Kohler of the Riverside Police Department.
Today, security cameras are everywhere and with good reason – they have made an incredible difference in increasing safety and security. Their presence can deter crime and security camera footage can be crucial in providing evidence for an arrest. Dan Kohler will talk about security cameras, how they are being used, and how they can be an important security feature for businesses.
Mayoral candidates Ed Adkison and Councilman Rusty Bailey will also be present for an informal meet and greet with attendees. This is an opportunity for people to ask questions of the candidates in a more relaxed setting.
The luncheon will be held at the Riverside Auditorium and Events Center in the Garden Room (lower level –entrance off Lemon) and will be an al fresco light buffet. The cost of the luncheon meeting is $18 if reservations are made prior to Friday, September 21st and $20 if reservations are made after that date or at the door. Sorry but all reservations will be billed unless cancelled on or before, September 21st .
This is a great opportunity to meet others interested in downtown, learn about the benefits of security cameras, and chat with the mayoral candidates in an informal setting.
To reserve for the luncheon, please call Shirley Schmeltz at 781-7335 or return email Shirley at rdpshirley@sbcglobal.net or myself at rdpjanice@sbcglobal.net
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