Fashion’s Night Out

July 11, 2012 3:36 pm
Once again, Vogue Magazine, Council of Fashion Designers of America, and cities around the country and the world will join together to host Fashion’s Night Out (FNO) on Thursday, September 6, 2012. Fashion’s Night Out is an International fashion and shopping extravaganza with participating cities including Los Angeles, Atlanta, Houston, Milan, Paris, London, Lisbon and downtown Riverside for the second year.
The Riverside Downtown Partnership (RDP) will host ‘Downtown Riverside Presents Fashion’s Night Out’ on September 6, 2012. The event will include a fashion show on Main Street’s Civic Plaza in partnership with The Art Institute of California – Inland Empire (AI-IE) featuring fashion downtown retailers and students from the Art Institute. The event will also include special events with downtown businesses along Main Street and University Avenue.
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