RDP and CBU offer second session of Intern Program

September 12, 2014 11:52 pm
RDP in partnership with the California Baptist University Online and Professional Studies Division (CBU OPS) launched the Downtown Intern Program in November 2013. Since the program began, over 20 downtown businesses have participated and benefited by having an intern assist with their efforts. “The Program caused us to take the time to examine all the various social media outlets, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. We have been in a slow but steady increase in sales and activity, some of which has to be credited to the Downtown Intern Program,” says Justin Tracy, Owner/General Manager of PIP Printing.
Now the second session of the Downtown Intern Program is being offered. RDP will host a Downtown Intern Program informational meeting on Tuesday, September 9th at 8:30 am at The Center for Arts and Philanthropy located on the corner of Main Street at 6th Street. Dr. Mary Ann Pearson and Dr. Patricia Hernandez of CBU OPS will be in attendance. The informational meeting is open to downtown businesses that are interested in having an intern from CBU OPS to assist with social media marketing, event planning, networking, advertising, marketing campaigns, and other promotions.
As part of the process, businesses fill out an application to determine how an intern can best fit their needs. The application includes the following questions.
- Duration of internship: (8 or 16 weeks)
- Weekly Time Allocation: (4hrs, 8hrs, 12hrs, 16hrs)
- Compensation: (Paid, Unpaid, Other Incentives)
- Where would the intern complete their tasks? (On-Site Only, On-Site and from home to manage social media outlets).
- Type of projects and learning objectives: (social media, marketing campaigns, data entry, networking, advertising, photography/graphic design, operations, etc.).
Robbie Silver of RDP, Dr. Pearson, and Dr. Hernandez will interview students for the Downtown Intern Program at CBU in September. Candidates are asked a series of questions relating to their knowledge of social media and public relations, work/volunteer experience, and their thoughts on leadership and workplace situations. If chosen for the program, the intern’s expertise and personality are then matched with the needs of a business. The business will be asked to contact the intern for an in-house interview at their establishment. If compatible, the internship can begin immediately.
The Downtown Intern Program creates a win-win situation for participating businesses and students. Downtown businesses can build their capacity and increase efforts to engage with the community while students are coached by experts in their field of study as they build their professional portfolio.
Mayor Bailey and City Council recognized the Downtown Intern Program in May 2014 as a ‘Mayor’s Success Story’ for connecting local students with businesses. The program’s concept aligns with the City’s Seizing Our Destiny strategic plan by encouraging hometown talent to ultimately find jobs in Riverside.
If you and your business are interested in participating in the Downtown Intern Program, please contact Robbie Silver at 951-341-6550 or email him at rdprobbie@sbcglobal.net. He will provide you with a form to be completed.
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